A low level of fitness is required
GPS Coordinates: 44*10*54,8 N 15*32*48,9 E
The start of the excursion is in Novigrad, a small fishing town, located a half hour drive from Zadar. The group will meet at 9:30 am in front of the cafe “Flash”, where we will board the ship.
Boat ride will take us across Novigrad’s sea to the delta of Zrmanja. Soon after entering the river you will find yourself surrounded with magnificent 200 meters deep canyon. 12 kilometers long rout through canyon will take us to the town Obrovac and few kilometers later to our final destination – last waterfall on Zrmanja – Jankovića buk where we will have a short brake for swimming. On our way back you can take a closer look on limestone cliffs, old ruins called “Pržunac” and if you’re lucky enough griffon vultures.
Please note that the program can be changed depending on weather conditions, group abilities, level of water etc. For client’s safety we reserve the right to change program without prior notice.
Working hours: 08:00 – 20:00
Upisano u Sudski registar Zadar
OIB: 73724953686, MBG: 060103901
voditelj poslova: Frane Sinovčić
Societe Generale OTP banka d.d. 21000 SPLIT
IBAN: HR 3024070001100584793
Temeljni kapital: 200.100,00 kn
Sukladno članku 6. točka 3. Zakona o pružanju usluga u turizmu obavještavamo potrošače da eventualno nezadovoljstvo za pruženu uslugu mogu iskazati prigovorom u pisanoj formi te isti možete poslati putem pošte ili elektroničke pošte na adresu mail@f-zrmanja.com., te da će odgovor na pritužbu dobiti u roku od 15 dana od primitka pritužbe.
Thomas L
Sabine M
Andreja M
Karl M
Pierre K
Bettina L